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Shanghai Shang Shaft Bearing Quality Inspection Institute Co., Ltd.

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Address: 301 Shangxue Road, Jiading District, Shanghai

2024 Spring Festival Holiday Notice

Thank you for your support and trust to Shanghai Shangshaft Bearing Quality Inspection Institute Co., Ltd. in testing, calibration, metal service and other aspects in 2023. In the new year, Shang Axis Testing Institute will, as always, provide high-quality and reliable services to our customers.


The 6th Staff Meeting of Shanghai Shang Shaft Bearing Quality Inspection Institute Co., Ltd.

The sixth staff meeting of Shanghai Shangxue Bearing Quality Inspection Institute Co., Ltd. was held on January 25, 2024 in Conference Room 1, 301 Shangxue Road. This conference is a staff meeting held at the beginning of the 2024 New Year when our company has completed all the work in 2023 and is also an important meeting held in a key year to fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20th Congress and the 14th Five-Year Plan. The meeting heard and deliberated the reports of "2023 Administrative Work Report of Shanghai Shangshaft Bearing Quality Inspection Institute Co., Ltd." and "2024 Administrative Work Points of Shanghai Shangshaft Bearing Quality Inspection Institute Co., Ltd." made by General Manager Sun Yun Award. The report objectively and comprehensively reviews the work done by the company in the past year, and also checks out the existing shortcomings and deficiencies. The key work objectives, overall work ideas, work points and measures for 2024 are clarified, and the work ideas of "strengthening capacity building, optimizing the talent team, devoting to image cultivation, grasping characteristic businesses, and achieving better development" are proposed. The development of the fourth year of the "14th Five-Year Plan" pointed out the direction.


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